
Setting up your iThenticate v2 account MTS integration (admins only)

This section of our documentation is for Similarity Check account administrators who are integrating iThenticate v2 with their Manuscript Submission System (MTS). It explains how administrators need to set up the iThenticate v2 account for their organizations in order to integrate with their MTS.

  • If you are using iThenticate v1 rather than iThenticate v2, take a look at the section for v1 account administrators.
  • If you intend to use iThenticate v2 directly in the browser (and not through an integration with your Manuscript Submission System (MTS) please skip to the section on setting up iThenticate v2 for browser users for iThenticate administrators.

Your personal administrator account in iThenticate v2

Once Turnitin has enabled iThenticate v2 for your organization, the main editorial contact provided on your application form will become the iThenticate account administrator.

You will receive an email from Turnitin with a link to set your credentials. The email will look like this:

email login

Click on the blue ‘Set up my account’ button at the bottom of the email. This will bring you to a page which looks something like this:

v2 initial login screen

Fill out your username and password, and don’t forget to tick to agree to the terms and conditions. You will then arrive at your new iThenticate v2 account.

v2 welcome screen

How do you know if you’re an account administrator?

hen you are logged in to iThenticate, what tabs can you see?

If you’re using iThenticate v2, you will only be able to see Users on the menu if you’re an account administrator.

If you’re using iThenticate v2, you will only be able to see Users on the menu if you’re an account administrator.

Admins tabs view v2

So if you can’t see Manage Users or Users, you’re not an account administrator, and you can just read the user instructions for iThenticate v2 on the Turnitin website.

Updating your email address, username or password in the future

If you need to change your personal email address, username or password in the future, you can find instructions on the Turnitin website.

Forgot password?

If you forgot your password and have never signed into your new v2 account, you’ll need to reach out to Turnitin’s support to have your password resent to you from Turnitin.

If you’ve already signed into your v2 account, but can’t remember your password, you can simply use the Forgot Password link on the login screen of your unique v2 website (, with xxx being your member ID).

Page owner: Amanda Bartell   |   Last updated 2022-July-15