
Crossref is hiring an R&D software engineer

Geoffrey Bilder

Geoffrey Bilder – 2008 September 18

In News Release

Crossref is hiring an R&D software engineer to work in our Oxford office. This is a fantastic opportunity to work on wide range of projects that promise to revolutionize scholarly publishing.

Multiple Resolution

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 August 22

In Multiple Resolution

Iā€™ve been meaning for some time to write something about DOI and so-called ā€œMultiple Resolutionā€, which to be honest is the only technology feature of any real interest as concerns DOI. (DOI as a business and social compact for guaranteeing name persistence of Web resources has been an extraordinarily successful venture in the academic publishing world with more than 32m items registered and maintained over eight years of operation but that may not have required any specialized technology. More a consensus to adopt a single location service in the DOI proxy.)

Multiple resolution, though. Now, thatā€™s something else. Seems like it should be able to offer a lot of general funkiness and yet it has not been much used up to now. And I have to wonder why.

(Continues below.)

mod_prism (Updated)

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 August 21


Iā€™ve just put up for comment a revised mod_prism (0.3) of the existing mod_prism RSS 1.0 module. This is now updated to the current PRISM version (v2.0) which was released in February ā€™08 and reissued with Errata in July ā€™08. The current mod_prism draft is registered here. The new draft charts all (five) versions of the PRISM specification (v1.0-v2.0) and maps PRISM terms to RSS 1.0 elements. Though not required as such for use of terms within an RSS 1.

Search Web Services - New Committee Drafts

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 29

In Search

As posted here on the SRU Implementors list, the OASIS Search Web Services Technical Committee has announced the release of five Committee Drafts, informally known as: Abstract Protocol DefinitionĀ (APD) Binding for SRU 1.2 Auxiliary Binding for HTTP GET CQL 1.2 Binding for OpenSearch Links to specific document formats are given at the bottom of the mail. A list of the TC public documents is also available here. The next phase of work for the TC will be the development of SRU/CQL 2.

Does Size Matter?

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 28

In Web

Interesting post from Google, in which they say: ā€œRecently, even our search engineers stopped in awe about just how big the web is these days ā€” when our systems that process links on the web to find new content hit a milestone: 1 trillion (as in 1,000,000,000,000) unique URLs on the web at once!ā€ Puts Crossrefā€™s 32,639,020 unique DOIs into some kind of perspective: 0.0033%. But nonetheless that trace percentage still seems to me to be reasonably large, especially in view of it forming a persistent and curated set.

Five Years

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 28

In Identifiers

Oh wow! A rather remarkable plea here from Dan Brickley on the public-lod mailing list which calls for the registrant of the DNS entry to top it up with another 5+ years worth of clocktime. Some quotes: _ā€œThe idea of such a cool RDF namespace having only 6 months left on the DNS registration gives me the worries.ā€ ā€œIf you could add another 5-10 years to the DNS registration Iā€™d sleep easier at night.

Knols and Citations

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 24

In Linking

So, Googleā€™s Knol is now live (see this announcement on Googleā€™s Blog). Thereā€™ll be comment aplenty about the merits of this service and how it compares to other user contributed content sites. But one curious detail struck me. In terms of citeability, compare how a Knol contribution (or ā€œknolā€) may be linked to as may be a corresponding entry in Wikipedia (here Iā€™ve chosen the subject ā€œEclipseā€): Knol Wikipedia

Knols and Citations Part II

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2008 July 24

In Discussion

Tonyā€™s post highlights Knolā€™s ā€œserviceā€ URIs. Another issue is that many Knol entries have nice long lists of unlinked references. The HTML code behind the references is very sparse. Might the DOI be of use in linking out from these references? I think so. Then, of course, thereā€™s the issue of DOIs for Knolsā€¦

CrossTech By Numbers

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 21

In Blog

CrossTech is two years old (less one month) and we have now seen some 145 posts. Breaking the posts down by poster we arrive at the following chart: Note this is not any real attempt at vainglory, more a simple excuse to play with the wonderful Google Chart API. Also, above Iā€™ve taken the liberty of putting up an image (.png), although the chart could have been generated on the fly from this link (or tinyurl here).

Library APIs

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2008 July 21

In Linking

Roy Tennant in a post to XML4Lib announces a new list of library APIs hosted at A useful rough guide for us publishers to consider as we begin cultivating the multiple access routes into our own content platforms and tending to the ā€œalphabet soupā€ that taken together comprises our public interfaces.