
On Google Knol


admin – 2007 December 14

In ORCIDPublishingSearch

The recently discussed (announced?) Google Knol project could make Google Scholar look like a tiny blip in the the scholarly publishing landscape.

I love the comment an authority:

“Books have authors’ names right on the cover, news articles have bylines, scientific articles always have authors — but somehow the web evolved without a strong standard to keep authors names highlighted. We believe that knowing who wrote what will significantly help users make better use of web content.”

Zotero and the IA

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2007 December 14

In Identifiers

Dan Cohen at Zotero reports (Zotero and the Internet Archive Join Forces) on a very interesting tie up that will allow researchers using Zotero to deposit content in the Internet Archive and have OCR done on scanned material for free under a two year Mellon grant. Each piece of content will be given a “permanent URI that includes a time and date stamp in addition to the URL” ( would Handle or DOI add value here?) and be part of Zotero Commons (things can also be kept private within a group).

STM Innovations 2007

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2007 December 10

In Conference

After a busy Online Information conference, Friday was the STM Innovations Meeting in London (presentations not online yet). There was a very nice selection of tea which helped get the morning off to a good start.

Patricia Seybold kicked off with a review of Web 2.0 that mentioned lots of sites and some good case studies:

Alexander Street Press ( - user tags combined with a taxonomy.

Slideshare ( - share presentations

Threadless ( - design and vote on t-shirts

The most interesting parts of the talk were the case studies of how National Instruments and Staples have built a vibrant community of customers. Staples invited top purchasers on the their site to create product categories and sales went up 30% and now they use the categorization in physical stores and customer reviews from the web are used in stores.

Search Web Services Document

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 November 09

In Search

The OASIS Search Web Services TC has just put out the following document for public review (Nov 7- Dec 7, 2007):

_Search Web Services v1.0 Discussion Document

From the OASIS announcement:

“This document: “Search Web Services Version 1.0 - Discussion Document - 2 November 2007”, was prepared by the OASIS Search Web Services TC as a strawman proposal, for public review, intended to generate discussion and interest. It has no official status; it is not a Committee Draft. The specification is based on the SRU (Search Retrieve via URL) specification which can be found at It is expected that this standard, when published, will deviate from SRU. How much it will deviate cannot be predicted at this time. The fact that the SRU spec is used as a starting point for development should not be cause for concern that this might be an effort to rubberstamp or fasttrack SRU. The committee hopes to preserve the useful features of SRU, eliminate those that are not considered useful, and add features that are not in SRU but are considered useful. “

DC in (X)HTML Meta/Links

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 November 06

In Metadata

This message posted out yesterday on the dc-general list (with following extract) may be of interest:

_“Public Comment on encoding specifications for Dublin Core metadata in HTML and XHTML

2007-11-05, Public Comment is being held from 5 November through 3 December 2007 on the DCMI Proposed Recommendation, “Expressing Dublin Core metadata using HTML/XHTML meta and link elements” «» by Pete Johnston and Andy Powell. Interested members of the public are invited to post comments to the DC-ARCHITECTURE mailing list «» , including “[DC-HTML Public Comment]” in the subject line. Depending on comments received, the specification may be finalized after the comment period as a DCMI Recommendation.”

STIX Fonts in Beta

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 November 06

In Standards

Well, Howard already blogged on Nascent last week about the STIX fonts (Scientific and Technical Information Exchange) being launched and now freely available in beta. And today the STM Association also have blogged this milestone mark. So, just for the record, I’m noting here on CrossTech those links for easy retrieval. As Howard says:

“I recommend all publishers download the fonts from the STIX web site at today.”

(And for those who want to see more of Howard, he can be found in interview here on the SIIA Executive FaceTime Webcast Series. 🙂

DCMI Identifiers Community

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 October 17

In Identifiers

Another DCMI invitation. And a list. Lovely.

See this message (copied below) from Douglas Campbell, National Library of New Zealand, to the dc-general mailing list.



Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 October 17


So, back on the old XMP tack. The simple vision from the XMP spec is that XMP packets are embedded in media files and transported along with them - and as such are relatively self-contained units, see Fig 1.

Hybrid - A.jpg

Fig. 1 - Media files with fully encapsulated descriptions.

But this is too simple. Some preliminary considerations lead us to to see why we might want to reference additional (i.e. external) sources of metadata from the original packet:

PDFs are tightly structured and as such it can be difficult to write a new packet, or to update an existing packet. One solution proposed earlier is to embed a minimal packet which could then reference a more complete description in a standalone packet. (And in turn this standalone packet could reference additional sources of metadata.)
While considerably simpler to write into web-delivery image formats (e.g. JPEG, GIF, PNG), it is the case that metadata pertinent to the image only is likely to be embedded. Also, of interest is the work from which the image is derived which is most likely to be presented externally to the image as a standalone document. (And in turn this standalone packet could reference additional sources of metadata.)


NLM Blog Citation Guidelines

I’ve just returned from Frankfurt Book fair and noticed that there has been some recent in the The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors and Publishers recommendations concerning citing blogs.

Which reminds me of an issue that has periodically been raised here at Crossref- should we be doing something to try and provide a service for reliably citing more ephemeral content such as blogs, wikis, etc.?

OpenDocument Adds RDF

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 October 14

In Metadata

Bruce D’Arcus left a comment here in which he linked to post of his: “OpenDocument’s New Metadata System“. Not everybody reads comments so I’m repeating it here. His post is worth reading on two counts:

  1. He talks about the new metadata functionality for OpenDocument 1.2 which uses generic RDF. As he says:
> _“Unlike Microsoft’s custom schema support, we provide this through the standard model of RDF. What this means is that implementors can provide a generic metadata API in their applications, based on an open standard, most likely just using off-the-shelf code libraries.”_

This is great. It means that description is left up to the user rather than being restricted by any vendor limitation. (Ideally we would like to see the same for XMP. But Adobe is unlikely to budge because of the legacy code base and documents. It’s a wonder that Adobe still wants XMP to breathe.)

  * He cites a wonderful passage from Rob Weir of IBM (something which I had been considering to blog but too late now) about the changing shape of documents. Can only say, go read [Bruce’s post][2] and then [Rob’s post][3]. But anyway a spoiler here:

    > _&#8220;The concept of a document as being a single storage of data that lives in a single place, entire, self-contained and complete is nearing an end. A document is a stream, a thread in space and time, connected to other documents, containing other documents, contained in other documents, in multiple layers of meaning and in multiple dimensions.&#8221;_</ol>

    I think the ODF initiative is fantastic and wish that Adobe could follow suit. However, I do still hold out something for XMP. After all, nobody else AFAICT is doing anything remotely similar for multimedia. Where’s the W3C and co. when you really need them? (Oh yeah, [faffing][4] about the new [Semantic Web logo][5]. 😉