
Google offer on journal archives…

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2006 December 18

In News Release

Peter Suber reports on his Open Access News that Google is offering to digitize journal backfiles. The full text articles are available as images and for free hosted by Google. The deal is non-exclusive and publishers retain copyright (but many backfiles will be out of copyright) but Google will not supply the publisher with the electronic files - so non-exclusive means that the publisher or someone else could digitize the backfile too (but how to recover the costs when it’s all free in Google?).

Exhibit A

MIT’s Simile project has just released Exhibit, a ” lightweight structured data publishing framework.” Read that as “an easy-to-use mashup creation tool.” I have heard that Leigh has already started experimenting with it. I look forward to a writeup soon…

Speaking of STM Innovations

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2006 December 12

In Conference

The STM Innovations meeting on December 7th in London was excellent. Leigh Dodds has a short summary of the day on his blog. Interestingly, I can’t find anything about the conference on the STM website.

Zotero - next generation research tool?

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2006 December 12

In News Release

1 was mentioned at the STM Innovations talk in London and it’s worth taking a look. It’s billed as the next generation of bibliographic management software - End Note but a lot more included. DOIs should be incorporated into this tool - I couldn’t find any mention of Crossref or DOIs.

And Just Relax

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 November 28


Nice piece of advocacy here by Tim Bray for RELAX. High time to see someone standing up for RELAX - a much friendlier XML schema language.

Journal Supply Chain Efficiency Improvement Pilot

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2006 October 12

In News Release

This project - - (which needs a new name or clever acronym) has released a Mid Year Report. The pilot is being extended into 2007 and there is clearly value for publishers in having an unique ID for institutions at the licensing unit level. Ringgold, one of the project partners, has a great database with a validated hierarchy of institutions from consortia down to departments - I had a demo at Frankfurt. The report has some info on benefits for publishers and on possible business models. I think a central, neutral registry of unique IDs would be a real benefit to the industry.

Ruby Makes A-List

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 12

In Programming

Um, well. Seems according to O’Reilly Ruby that Ruby is now a mainstream language.

“The Ruby programming language just made the A-list on the TIOBE Programming Community Index, and Ruby is now listed as a mainstream programming language. For the past three or four years Ruby has consistently placed in the high 20’s in this index, but is now placed as the 13th most popular programming language!”

(No language wars, but I am, I will confess, a big admirer - for some time.)

STIX and Stones


admin – 2006 October 05

In News Release

The STIX Fonts project funded by six major publishers to develop a comprehensive font set for STM publishing has completed its development phase and is about to move into beta testing (planned to commence in late October). Participation is open to all publishers - so now is the time to get involved to ensure your needs are met by this significant activity.


Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Metadata

A new version of the AdsML Framework 2.0, Release 8 from the AdsML Consortium is now available for download from

Below is an extract from the “Vision” document which outlines the broad goals of AdsML.

Blogs, Well Duh!

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Blogs

Steve Rubel has a reponse here to Lexis-Nexis’ survey on consumers preferred outlets for breaking news and their rubbishing of blogs as a credible publishing forum. It’s something called, er, the Long Tail by Chris Anderson at Wired Magazine.