
Crossref Metadata Search++

We have just released a bunch of new functionality for Crossref Metadata Search. The tool now supports the following features:

  • A completely new UI
  • Faceted searches
  • Copying of search results as formatted citations using CSL
  • COinS, so that you can easily import results into Zotero and other document management tools
  • An API, so that you can integrate Crossref Metadata Search into your own applications, plugins, etc.
  • Basic OpenSearch support- so that you can integrate Crossref Metadata Search into your browser’s search bar.
  • Searching for a particular Crossref DOI
  • Searching for a particular Crossref ShortDOI
  • Searching for articles in a particular journal via the journal’s ISSN

At the moment, Crossref Metadata Search (CRMDS) is a Crossref Labs project and, as such, should be used with some trepidation. Our goal is to release CRMS as a production service ASAP, but we wanted to get public feedback on the service before making the move to a production system.


If you’ve ever thought that scholarly citation practice was antediluvian and perverse- you should check-out patents some day.

Over the past year of so Crossref has been working with Cambia and the The Lens to explore how we can better link scholarly literature to and from the patent literature. The first object of our collaboration was to attempt to link patents hosted on the new, beta version of The Lens to the Scholarly literature. To do this, Crossref and Cambia been enhancing Crossref’s citation matching mechanisms in order to better resolve the wide variety of eclectic and terse patent citation styles to Crossref DOIs.

Crossref and DataCite unify support for HTTP content negotiation

Last year Crossref and DataCite announced support for HTTP content negotiation for DOI names. Today, we are pleased to report further collaboration on the topic. We think it is very important that the two largest DOI Registration Agencies work together in order to provide metadata services to DOI names.

The current implementation is documented in detail at

The documentation explains HTTP content negotiation as implemented by both Registration Agencies and provides a list of supported resource/content/record types.



Crossref Labs is happy to announce the first public release of “pdf-extract” an open source set of tools and libraries for extracting citation references (and, eventually, other semantic metadata) from PDFs. We first demonstrated this tool to Crossref members at our annual meeting last year. See the pdf-extract labs page for a detailed introduction to this new set of tools.

If you are unable to download and install the tool, you can play with a experimental web interface called “Extracto.” Be warned, Extracto is running on very feeble server using an erratic and slow internet connection. The only guarantee that we can make about using it is that it will repeatedly fall over and annoy you. The weasel has spoken.

DOIs for PHD Comics’ Valentine’s Day Reading List

Geoffrey Bilder

Geoffrey Bilder – 2012 February 14

In ComicsDOIs

PHD Comics has posted its Valentine’s Day Reading list.

Without DOIs! 


So in order to preserve the scholarly citation record, we’ve resolved those that have DOIs….

Title:  The St. Valentine’s Day Frontal Passage

Citation:  Sassen, K, 1980, ‘The St. Valentine’s Day Frontal Passage’, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 61, no. 2, p. 122.

Crossref DOI:<0122:TSVDFP>2.0.CO;2


Citation:  LESTER, D, 1990, ‘SUICIDE AND HOMICIDE ON ST. VALENTINE’S DAY’, Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 71, no. 7, p. 994.