
 1 minute read.

The OI Project gets underway planning an open organization identifier registry

At the end of October 2016, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID reported on collaboration in the area of organization identifiers. We issued three papers for community comment and after input we subsequently announced the formation of The OI Project, along with a call for expressions of interest from people interested in serving on the working group.

We had a great response and are happy to report that the Working Group has now been established, and is already underway with work to develop a plan for an open, independent, not-for-profit, sustainable, organization identifier registry.

There is information about the OI Project Working Group on the ORCID website including a list of the 17 working group members. They represent a broad range of scholarly communications stakeholders. Our scope of work includes three separate but interdependent areas:

  • Governance;
  • Registry Product Definition; and
  • Business Model & Funding.

The initial goal of the Working Group is to create a thorough and robust implementation plan by the end of 2017.

Please take a look at the website for more information and we’ll provide updates as things progress throughout the course of the year.

Please contact us with any questions.

Further reading

Page owner: Ed Pentz   |   Last updated 2017-March-28