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Nov 9th - New Webinar: Crossref for Open Access Publishers


April Ondis – 2015 October 19

In Open AccessWebinars

November 9 Crossref Webinar for Open Access PublishersRegister for our webinar to learn best practices for depositing metadata and ways to help with the dissemination and discoverability of OA content.

New Crossref services are being developed that have particular application to OA publishers. Did you know that our upcoming DOI Event Tracker service was inspired by a group of OASPA publishers asking if there was a way to centrally support the gathering of data that could be analyzed as altmetrics?

A large number of Crossref members classify their content as Open Access, and we’ve been thinking about how our infrastructure can support and communicate this.  In many ways, it already does:

  • Crossref supports the deposit of license and funding information in the DOI metadata.
  • Crossref’s Crossmark Service is useful to OA publishers who need to have the means to update info about their content, no matter where it sits.
  • Crossref’s APIs allow publishers to make it easier for researchers to mine full-text content.

Register for the Crossref Open Access Webinar

Date: November 9, 2015

Time: 8:00 am (San Francisco), 11:00 am (New York), 4:00 pm (London)


Please join us for this new webinar that gives an overview of Crossref and its network of member publishers, along with information on Crossref services that have specific relevance to OA scholarly content.

Crossref will be joined by two guest speakers - Frontiers will talk about their OA workflows and how Crossref services integrate with these, and James MacGregor from PKP will show participants the Crossref Export/Registration Plugin which journals can enable to assign DOIs with Crossref and to help them participate in other Crossref services.

There will be time for questions and discussion during the webinar. The webinar will be recorded.

Further reading

Page owner: April Ondis   |   Last updated 2015-October-19