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Crossref Labs

Geoffrey Bilder

Geoffrey Bilder – 2009 October 13

In News ReleaseInChI

The other day Noel O’Boyle wrote to tell me that he had updated the Ubiquity plug-in that we had developed in order to to make it work with the latest version of Firefox. The problem was, I had *also* updated the Ubiquity plug-in, but I hadn’t really indicated to anybody how they could find updates to the plug-in. /me=embarrassed. So it seemed time to provide a home for some of the prototypes and experiments that we’ve been developing at Crossref. To that end, we have created a Crossref Labs site. Here you can find links to various tools and services that either make it easier to use Crossref services (e.g. Blog/Ubiquity plugins and OpenSearch Description files) or that serve to illustrate a concept that has been of interest to our members (InChI lookup, TOI-DOIs). Oh, yeah- and when we update these experiments, you should be able to find the updates on their respective pages. Sorry about that Noel… Finally, I will quote from the Crossref Labs home page:

“Most of the experiments linked to here are running on R&D equipment in a non-production environment. They may disappear without warning and/or perform erratically. If one of them isn’t working for some reason, come back later and try again.” Have fun.

Further reading

Page owner: Geoffrey Bilder   |   Last updated 2009-October-13