
 2 minute read.

Crossref at the Frankfurt Book Fair

We’ll be at booth M82 in the Hotspot area of Hall 4.2 and would love to meet with you. Let us know if you’re interested in chatting with one of us - about anything at all.

Kirsty Meddings, Product Manager: Here to help with Crossref services such as Crossmark and funding data, and happy to talk about your metadata and how you can deposit more.

Paul Davis, Support Specialist: Any issues with metadata deposit, or anything technical, I’m your man.

Susan Collins, Publisher Outreach Manager: If you’re a member and have questions about how things are going, or try out additional services, I can help.

Jennifer Kemp, Affiliate Outreach Manager: Come to me if you want to get Metadata from Crossref, or discuss our imminent new service for social mentions and data links: Event Data (in Beta).

Ginny Hendricks, Member & Community Outreach Director: I’d love to talk to publishers and platforms about the new Metadata 2020 initiative.

Amanda Bartell, Head of Member Experience: This will be my first day at Crossref! If there is something you’d like the Membership team to do or change, please let me know.

Chrissie Cormack-Wood, Head of Marketing Communications: I’ll be acting as “host” so ask me anything about our booth and activities at the Fair. Ideas for joint campaigns or co-promotion are welcome too.

If some of these topics are on your agenda, or if you’re not sure who to contact, please let me know and I’ll set up a 30-minute meeting at our booth, M82 in Hall 4.2.

And, if you don’t get a chance to visit us at our stand, make sure you don’t miss Ginny’s Metadata 20/20 talk at 2.30pm on Wednesday 11th, at the Hot Spot stage in the corner of Hall 4.2, area N99.

We hope you have a great Book Fair!

Further reading

Page owner: Christine Cormack Wood   |   Last updated 2017-September-26