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Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Metadata

A new version of the AdsML Framework 2.0, Release 8 from the AdsML Consortium is now available for download from

Below is an extract from the “Vision” document which outlines the broad goals of AdsML.

_“2 The Vision of AdsML

According to its Charter document, the mission of the AdsML Consortium is 3-


• to create an internationally-adopted set of specifications and associated

business processes for the electronic exchange of business information and

content for advertising

• to simplify and accelerate business interactions

• to facilitate use across multiple media in both current and future


This dry, somewhat technical statement masks the simplicity and power of what

the AdsML Consortium aims to do. Stated informally, AdsML’s vision is to tie

together all of the parties involved in producing, booking, distributing

and publishing an ad as if they all used the same software system – but

without actually requiring everyone to switch to a different software system or


Further reading

Page owner: Tony Hammond   |   Last updated 2006-October-03