
Tony Hammond

Tony worked alongside Crossref at between 2006 and 2010.


Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Metadata

A new version of the AdsML Framework 2.0, Release 8 from the AdsML Consortium is now available for download from

Below is an extract from the ā€œVisionā€ document which outlines the broad goals of AdsML.

Blogs, Well Duh!

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Blogs

Steve Rubel has a reponse here to Lexis-Nexisā€™ survey on consumers preferred outlets for breaking news and their rubbishing of blogs as a credible publishing forum. Itā€™s something called, er, the Long Tail by Chris Anderson at Wired Magazine.

Couple Web Feeds to Note

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03


Sorry to be somewhat backwards, but just in case any folks didnā€™t already know thereā€™s a couple new feeds set up recently (or at least theyā€™re newish to me šŸ™‚ News from STM (from the STM Association) eFoundations (from Andy Powell and Pete Johnston at Eduserv Foundation in the UK)

Science Commons

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 03

In Meetings

Peter Murray-Rust posts on the SPARC-OpenData mailing list about a Commons for Science Conference (Oct. 3/4 in DC). The meeting is invitation-only but the papers are online (see here) and there should be public reports. The meeting underlines the importance of Open Data. Thereā€™s a brief abstract below.


Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 02

In Discussion

<span >Just a couple comments about CrossTech: <span >1. Shouldnā€™t it (or couldnā€™t it) be linked to from the Crossref home page? (This is a public read list after all and so should be made more widely available.) Maybe at some point could be announced on some lists of interest. <span >2. Would be very nice to (at least) have a count of membership. I would also like to canvas opinions about making names of the membership public.

Wiley Does RSS, Too!

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 October 02


This post blogged by Rafael Sidi at EEI. Wiley are now dishing out RSS feeds. And moreover from a cursory inspection (see e.g. here for the American Journal of Human Biology) it seems like they are putting out RSS 1.0 (RDF) and DC/PRISM metadata. Donā€™t know if thereā€™s anyone from Wiley who can comment on this. But this really is the best news. (Now, who else can we get to join the party.

PRISM Use Cases

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2006 September 25

In Discussion

At last weekā€™s PRISM Face to Face meeting at Time Inc. (NY), Linda Burman raised the question of how (STM) publishers were using PRISM beyond RSS. I gave a brief presentation of how we at Nature were using PRISM: RSS (well you all know about that), Connotea (our social bookmarking tool), SRU (Search/Retrieve by URL), and OTMI (Open Text Mining Interface - which weā€™ll shortly be making available for wider comment).