
Metadata in PDF: 1. Strategies

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 August 01

In Metadata

Emboldened by my own researches, by the recent handle plugin announcement from CNRI (on which, more in a follow-on post), and by Alexander Griekspoorā€™s comment to my earlier post, I thought Iā€™d write a more extensive piece about embedding metadata in PDF with a view to the following: Discover what other publishers are currently doing Stimulate discussions between content providers and/or consumers Lay groundwork for a Crossref best practice guidelines Why should Crossref be interested?

Metadata in PDF: 2. Use Cases

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 August 01

In Metadata

Well, this is likely to be a fairly brief post as Iā€™m not aware of many use cases of metadata in PDFs from scholarly publishers. Certainly, I can say for Nature that we havenā€™t done much in this direction yet although are now beginning to look into this.

Iā€™ll discuss a couple cases found in the wild but invite comment as to othersā€™ practices. Let me start though with the CNRI handle plugin demo for Acrobat which I blogged here.

Handle Acrobat Reader Plugin

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 31

In Metadata

Just announced on the handle-info list is a new plugin from CNRI for Acrobat Reader - see here. The announcement says: _ā€œIt is intended to demonstrate the utility of embedding a identifying handle in a PDF document. ā€¦ A set of demonstration documents, each with an embedded identifying handle, is packaged with the plug-in to show potential uses. To make productive use of this technology, a given industry or community of

URI Template Republished

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 28

In Identifiers

Well, it all went very quiet for a while but glad to see that the URI Template Internet-Draft has just been republished: _ā€œA New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories. Title : URI Template Author(s) : J. Gregorio, et al. Filename : draft-gregorio-uritemplate-01.txt Pages : 9 Date : 2007-7-23 URI Templates are strings that can be transformed into URIs after embedded variables are substituted. This document defines the

Publishing Linked Data

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 19

In Web

With these words: _ā€œThere was quite some interest in Linked Data at this yearā€™s World Wide Web Conference (WWW2007). Therefore, Richard Cyganiak, Tom Heath and I decided to write a tutorial about how to publish Linked Data on the Web, so that interested people can find all relevant information, best practices and references in a single place.ā€_ Chris Bizer announces this draft How to Publish Linked Data on the Web. Itā€™s a bright and breezy tutorial and useful (to me, anyway) for disclosing a couple of links:

PURL Redux

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 12

In Identifiers

Seems that thereā€™s life in the old dog yet. :~) See this post about PURL from Thom Hickey, OCLC, This extract: OCLC has contracted with Zepheira to reimplement the PURL code which has become a bit out of date over the years. The new code will be in written in Java and released under the Apache 2.0 license.

BioNLP 2007

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 10

In Meetings

Just posted on Nascent a brief account of a presentation I gave recently on OTMI at BioNLP 2007. The post lists some of the feedback I received. We are very interested to get further comments so do feel free to contribute comments either directly to the post, privately to, or publicly to And then thereā€™s always the OTMI wiki available for comment at It is important to note that OTMI is not a universal panacea but rather an attempt at bridging the gap between publisher and researcher.

IBM Article on PRISM

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 July 10

In Metadata

Nice entry article on PRISM here by Uche Ogbuji, Fourthought Inc. on IBMā€™s DeveloperWorks.

Oh, shiny!


admin – 2007 July 02

In Publishing

The other day Ed and I visited the OECD to talk about all things e-publishig. At the end of our our meeting, Toby Green, the OECDā€™s head of publishing, handed all 30+ meeting attendees a copy of their well-known OECD Factbook- on a USB stick. Before you dismiss this as a gimick- note that organizations like the OECD get a lot of political and marketing mileage with ā€œleave behindsā€- print copies of their key reports, conference proceedings and reference works.

OASIS Announces Search Web Services TC

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 June 15

In Search

OASIS has just announced a technical committee for standardising search services. This from the Call for Participation: _ b. Purpose To define Search and Retrieval Web Services, combining various current and ongoing web service activities. Within recent years there has been a growth in activity in the development of web service definitions for search and retrieval applications. These include SRU, a web service based in part on the NISO/ISO Search and Retrieval standards;