
Crossrefâ„¢ Search Pilot Adds 16 New Publishers

08 July 2004

LYNNFIELD, MA, July 8, 2004 – Crossref announced today that its new pilot initiative in collaboration with Googleâ„¢ search technologies has added 16 additional publishers. Crossref Search now enables users to search the full text of high-quality, peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, and other resources covering the full spectrum of scholarly research from 25 leading publishers.

Crossref Search is available to all users, free of charge, on the websites of participating publishers, and encompasses current journal issues as well as back files. The results are delivered from the regular Google index but filter out everything except the participating publishers’ content, and will link to the content on publishers’ websites via DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) or regular URLs. Crossref itself doesn’t host any content or perform searches – Crossref works behind the scenes with Google to facilitate the crawling of content on publishers’ sites and sets the policies and guidelines governing publisher participation in the initiative. As well as enabling Crossref Search, the partnership with Google also means that full-text content from the publishers is also referenced by the main index in its more general searches. Participating publishers now include:

American Physical Society
Annual Reviews
Ashley Publications
Association for Computing Machinery
BioMed Central
Blackwell Publishing
BMJ Publishing Group
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
Institute of Physics Publishing
International Union of Crystallography
Investigative Opthamology and Visual Science
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
Medicine Publishing Group
Nature Publishing Group
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag
Oxford University Press
Royal College of Psychiatrists
University of California Press
University of Chicago Press
Vathek Publishing
John Wiley & Sons

The Crossref Search pilot will run through 2004 to evaluate functionality and to gather feedback from scientists, scholars and librarians for the purpose of fine-tuning the program. Participating publishers are also investigating how DOIs can be used to improve indexing of content and enable persistent links from search results to the full text of content at publishers’ sites. Crossref is also in discussion with other search engines.

Please contact our communications team with any questions.

Last updated: 2004-July-08