Crossref - Web Deposit Form
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The web deposit form allows Crossref members to deposit content and register DOIs. Learn more about how to use the web deposit form.

Note: Your Crossref username and password will be required at the end of this process to submit data to the system.

Step 1: Select Record Type

Record Selection

Select Data Type:

Step 2: Identify the Journal

Journal information
Journal DOI+
Journal URL+
Print ISSN+ Elect ISSN+ Journal DOI and/or ISSN required
Volume Issue
Issue DOI
Issue URL
Publication dates
note: use numerical values (YYYY, MM, DD)
Type: print
*Year Month: Day:
Type: online
*Year Month: Day:
* a minimum of one publication year is required
+ complete Title, Abbr., Journal DOI/URL and/or ISSN fields for title-level Journal deposit