
How can I use Event Data?

The main way to access events created by Event Data is via the API, which returns data in JSON format. For example, the following finds the first 500 events:

It is not required, but we recommend that you include your email address. We will not share this information, but can use it to contact you if a problem arises, for example:

Full documentation for the API is available. Briefly, the results can be filtered by various parameters based on time, source, and object.

The results can also include facets of the data: summary counts of a certain characteristic. For example, to see the 10 news websites that have produced the most events, use the query:

If you want to make regular and extensive use of the API, we highly recommend reading the full documentation.

Developers are welcome to build applications based on Event Data, however Crossref doesn’t offer a dashboard or plugin to provide Event Data results. Some Jupyter notebooks are available that demonstrate possible uses of Event Data, including accessing all events about a single DOI.

What is the current status of Event Data?

The Crossref status page shows stability of the Event Data service and query response times. You can also track the latest development tasks.

A list of the current agents is available on our Gitlab pages.

Who uses Event Data?

There are a large number of uses for Event Data and it is intended as a free and transparent data source for third parties. Some examples of how the data can be used are the following:

  • Building links between scholarly outputs, such as Scholix
  • Tracking the impact of research outputs, such as HIRMEOS from OPERAS; Atypon; PaperBuzz
  • Input for scholarly information services, such as H1insights

Page owner: Martyn Rittman   |   Last updated 2020-October-06