Brand & logos

Our color palette

If you need to reference our colors or our font type, you can use the codes and guidelines below:

Pantone: Red 032 C; Hex #ef3340
Pantone: 631 C; Hex #3eb1c8
Pantone: Tan 7527 C; Hex #d8d2c4
Pantone Yellow 123C; Hex #ffc72c
Pantone Grey 445C; Hex #4f5858

Our brand guidelines

Logo use

We know that many of you—both members, and other users of metadata in the wider scholarly research community—like to reference us in your communications, promoting how you are contributing to scholarly infrastructure. To support you with this we have created a set of Account Badges. If you currently use the Crossref logo on your website, you might like to replace it with your Member Type badge.

If you need to use our logo(s) please reference them (not download), using the html snippets below. Please copy the code exactly, so that even if we update the logos, you’ll automatically get the correct file.

We recommend .svg versions online at 200px wide for the sharpest display. Contact our outreach team if you’d like a version for printing or have any questions.

Referencing our logos

Crossref logosImage link
Crossref logo<img src="" width="200" height="130" alt="Crossref logo"/>
Crossref logo<img src="" width="200" height="68" alt="Crossref logo">
Crossref Content Registration logo<img src="" width="200" height="110" alt="Crossref Content Registration logo">
Crossref Cited-by logo<img src="" width="200" height="82" alt="Crossref Cited-by logo">
Crossref Metadata APIs logo<img src="" width="200" height="83" alt="Crossref Metadata APIs logo">
Crossref Metadata Search logo<img src="" width="200" height="106" alt="Crossref Metadata Search logo">
Crossref Similarity Check logo<img src="" width="200" height="98" alt="Crossref Similarity Check logo">
Crossref Funder Registry logo<img src="" width="200" height="112" alt="Crossref Funder Registry logo">
Crossref Event Data logo<img src="" width="200" height="83" alt="Crossref Event Data logo">
Crossref Cited-by logo<img src="" width="200" height="82" alt="Crossref Cited-by logo">
Crossref Crossmark logo<img src="" width="200" height="82" alt="Crossref Crossmark logo">
Metadata from Crossref logo<img src="" width="200" height="68" alt="Metadata from Crossref logo">

Page owner: Rosa Clark   |   Last updated 2018-November-23