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Google offer on journal archives…

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2006 December 18

In News Release

Peter Suber reports on his Open Access News that Google is offering to digitize journal backfiles. The full text articles are available as images and for free hosted by Google. The deal is non-exclusive and publishers retain copyright (but many backfiles will be out of copyright) but Google will not supply the publisher with the electronic files - so non-exclusive means that the publisher or someone else could digitize the backfile too (but how to recover the costs when it’s all free in Google?).

Dorothea Salo (recent STM Innovations speaker) over at Caveat Lector provides an excellent review of the Google offer with some good advice for publishers (“always control your bits”).

Further reading

Page owner: Ed Pentz   |   Last updated 2006-December-18